
17 Goals in 2017 | 3rd Quarter Check-In

At the beginning of this year, I published my 17 Goals for 2017. After my 2nd Quarter Check-In in June, I had crossed 7 items off my list. At the halfway point, I honestly wasn't sure how many more I could accomplish. I got the "easier" ones out of the way, so my expectations were low for the next three months.

Unfortunately, I didn't cross off anymore, but I do have some that are "in progress." Here's where I'm at:

17 Goals in 2017: 3rd Quarter Check-In

  1. Submit a grant proposal(May 19, 2017) I submitted a funding application for the farmers' market I manage last month. We already knew the funds were ours and it was a short, pretty straightforward application so this was like a grant proposal with training wheels. But, I did it! It was the perfect first proposal to dip my feet into the waters of grant writing and fundraising and I'm so happy I had the opportunity to do it.
  2. Continue working with my former employer. (April 7, 2017) I've been back for about two months at my old employer in a part-time, seasonal position. It's pretty much the perfect setup for me since I only average about two days/week and can spend the rest of my week at home with the boys. I kind of forgot how much I loved my work family and I'm so happy to spend some time with them all again.
  3. Apply for Advocacy Corps(January 12, 2017) I found out mid-May that I didn't get the position. Although it never feels good to be rejected, I know it was for the best. Just weeks later, I landed a perfect, fabulous new job (if you're nosy and want to know more, subscribe to my newsletter!).
  1. Read 52 books in the year. (In progress) 19/52 completed. I realize now that it's literally impossible for me to meet my goal for this year. I'm okay with that- I've been working my butt off and have two babies to care for! I reviewed the ones I liked and one book that I loved on my summer reading list.
  2. Hit the pause button on reading challenges. (January-present) Once I took a break from reading challenges it was difficult to get back into it. It also didn't help that I've barely been reading lately, so reading competitively just isn't on my list of priorities at the moment.
  1. Pay off a credit card. (In progress) Although we haven't yet paid off any of our credit cards, we have done more to chip away at them and we did pay off two other minor debts in the last two months, so we're getting closer!
  2. Open up college savings accounts for the boys. (July 7, 2017) I did it, I did it! I'm not a complete failure of a parent! We had some additional income come in July and though we needed to spend every dime on bills and outstanding debts, I decided I was going to stop procrastinating. With Crosby's first birthday approaching, I knew I could do it now, or do it in another year, so I did it! I'm going to count this as a victory and ignore the fact that it took me 2.5 years...
  1. Publish at least 3 posts per week. (In progress) I definitely dropped significantly in this category from the second quarter. I averaged just over two posts per week July-September. Here's hoping I can finish out the year strong!
  2. Have one of my DMB posts garner more than 1,000 pageviews. (January 30, 2017) What I Wish Someone Told me About Postpartum Sex remains my most popular DMB post to-date. Now, I need to top it!
  1. Do the splits. Yeah, not happening.
  2. Run 13 miles.  Although I haven't started running again, I've been trying to be more intentional about walking more in the evenings. 
  3. Hit my goal weight. (March 28, 2017) I've stuck around my goal weight of 120 lbs since my last update, but my fitness level hasn't improved by much.
  1. Convert basement into playroom. Not happening as I've been focusing on other rooms in the house.
  2. Finish painting and designing upstairs bedroom. (In progress) I haven't made any progress on this since my last check-in, but I did finish Crosby's nursery/guest room
  3. Plant a backyard garden. (March 23, 2017) In May, we were able to start harvesting some lettuce, spinach and kale. Yum!
  1. Go on monthly dates. (In progress) I feel like we did something in July, but I just can't remember. In August, we went to see a Led Zeppelin cover band and in September we went to a concert for a local band and went out to dinner for our anniversary.
  2. Take a weekend getaway for our fifth anniversary. Although the year isn't over and there's still a chance we may do something belatedly, this didn't happen. I'm still breastfeeding Crosby, so overnight trips aren't really feasible for us at the present time.
> > >

I haven't managed to check off any more of my goals since my last check-in, but I have made progress on a few. My priorities have definitely shifted since I made this list back in January, so there are some goals that I honestly just don't have as much of a desire to complete. It will be interesting to see what I've accomplished by the end of the year, so stay tuned!

How have you been doing at your goals for the year?

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