
CROSBY | 3 Months

Today is my baby boy's 3-month birthday! Aaaand I managed to post his monthly update on the same day. Mommy win!

In case you missed it, apparently I'm a stay-at-home Mom now. I say "apparently" because it still feels ill-fitting and uncomfortable. I have worked from the time I was a kid answering phones for my Grandma's company. I have never not been employed and it's really tripping me up. I never in a millions years envisioned myself as anything other than a working mom and I'm having a kind of identity crisis at the moment, so bear with me.

Still going so well! This is one of the things I'm choosing to focus on during this major life transition- the fact that I don't have to worry about the logistics of pumping and can just feed my baby when he's hungry! Hooray! Crosby still wakes up 3-4 times/night to eat which is a bummer for someone who requires a full 8 hours to function in life. However, the fact that he's gaining like a champ (unlike his older brother) is a fair trade-off.

My sister-in-law has been on a major weight loss journey for the last year- she's already lost 56 lbs, looks great, feels great, and so decided that she no longer needed her Fitbit and bestowed it upon me. I love this thing! It really pushes me to be more active and get more steps in each day. I think it's a big reason why I weigh the least I have in 5 or 6 years! Hooray! I still have a lot of work to do to tone up, but I'm feeling confident that my hubby and I can tackle this weight loss challenge together.

As for Crosby...

Despite the fact that he prefers not to sleep at night (not that I'm bitter or anything), Crosby really is the sweetest, smiliest baby. Chuck and I joke that he's kind of needy and has FOMO, just like his Daddy, because he doesn't like being left by himself. However, if he's being held or at least within seeing distance of someone, he's happy as a clam.

Obviously, he's still in the somewhat boring newborn stage, but he now smiles all the time and it's just about the greatest thing ever. He constantly wants to see what's going on so neck strength is great and he does really well during tummy time.

His next appointment isn't until after the holidays so I weighed him again at home with our bathroom scale. It seems like his weight gain has slowed a little, but he's still a plumpy little guy weighing in at 13 lbs. He's wearing 3-month clothing, and we're still squeezing him into the remaining Size 1 diapers we have stashed away, but this kid is movin' on up!

> > >

We love you, Crosby Loren! I'm so blessed to be your Mommy and can't wait to continue watching who you become.

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