
Wedding Recap: Getting Ready

Where we last left off, I'd covered the Friday before, my Bachelorette Party and Rehearsal Day...and night. When I awoke Sunday morning, the day of my wedding, I glanced over to see my hubby-to-be passed out and looking rough and then immediately ran into the bathroom to toss my cookies. Figures, I was hangover-free after my Bachelorette Party and decided the night before my wedding was a good time to get smashed. There were tears, and there may have even been a desperate plea for attention to my comatose future husband as I sat on the bathroom floor, horrified that I was hungover on my wedding day.

I only had a short amount of time to get myself together though before our 9 AM hair appointment, so I got dressed and ever-so-slowly made my way into the hotel lobby to meet up with my girls and walk through the rain to the Beauty Bar Salon and Spa. When we arrived a few minutes later, our two hair stylists were ready and waiting with an adorable breakfast spread and Pussycat Dolls radio playing on Pandora. My girls went two-by-two into the salon chairs, donning their adorable rainbow bridesmaid tanks I had made for them and after nibbling on some fruit and sipping down some water, I gradually started kicking my hungover-ness to the curb. Thank goodness!

Laura's Before and After
Kelly, my sister and MOH's Before and After
Bekah showing off her hair
and making use of our awesome breakfast spread!
Dani's Before and After
Joni, my new sis-in-law's Before and After
Whitney's hair and an infamous hangover shot
My adorable Mama bear posing with some of my bridesmaids

Our appointment went by much quicker than we had anticipated, and by them time it was my turn, it wasn't even noon yet! Lorin took me in the back to do my makeup. I'd never had airbrushed foundation before and I loved it- it was so much fun and it made my skin look flawless! She started my hair and finished it in no time, which was good because both mine and my girls' energy was starting to wane.

The finished product

After I was finished, we did our best to clean up our breakfast mess, tipped our stylists and posed for a few last pictures that captured us in all of our rainbow glory.

Although my morning started out less-than-ideal, I was so glad I picked the Beauty Bar to do our hair. My stylist, Lorin, is so sweet and always manages to make my hair look beautiful whenever I pay her a visit. Once our appointment was done, we headed back to the hotel where my Mom-in-Law dropped us off a yummy Italian feast of calzones, antipasto salad and garlic bread. Because our hair appointment went so quickly, we ended up having a lot more down time than I thought we would. Most of my girls spent some time bonding and playing a game of Phase 10 that I had packed for our honeymoon, while I napped. That's right, I think I may go down in history as the first woman to EVER take a nap on her wedding day. When I awoke, it was full-on getting dressed time!

Be sure to check out my next post on Tuesday.

I was going to give you a glimpse at the dresses, but we got our wedding video back and I simply cannot wait to show you our ceremony!


  1. so fun! you were gorgeous!

  2. Awww no! I'm so sorry you threw up the morning of! I'm glad you felt better and were able to power through (cuz heaven knows if I'm hungover to the point where I puke, I'm in bed ALL DAY) and LOVED your hair! So pretty!

  3. You were the MOST beautiful bride a person could ask for my love :)

  4. Chuck, you are too sweet, seriously. But it's true! You were beautiful! I can't wait to show Jon the video! It was amazing!

  5. Love love love your hair!!! It was beautiful!

  6. You look beautiful- the hair is so chic.Rx


  7. You looked incredible'

    Haha I can't believe you took a nap! That is SO awesome!! But I wish they told all brides to take a nap before the wedding.

    Excited to see and read more!
